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Library Information

Use of Books and Research Materials

Who can use the library of International Institute of American Studies?

The collection of books and research materials held at the International Institute of American Studies (IIAS) are widely available to those who are interested in American studies. However, there are some restrictions for individual who are not affiliated with Doshisha University.

The library primarily serves the Doshisha University's current faculty, students and researchers who hold valid Doshisha ID's. However, by following instructions, all scholars and students in other universities are able to borrow the materials. 

Borrowing Materials

  1. Library access and borrowing

    *Library cards will be issued to researchers including graduate students, and undergraduate students affiliated with other universities. Application for Library privileges will be made at the circulation desk in the Library of the International Institute of American Studies. A current Photo ID is required.

    **You are responsible for the proper care of those materials when you check out our materials.

      Maximum number of Items out Loan Period Required Documents
    10 books (Within)
    28 days
    Home Institution ID Card , a letter of introduction
    Graduate Students
    10 books (Within)
    28 days
    Student ID Card ,a letter of introduction
    Undergraduate Students
    5 books 14 days
    Student ID Card ,a letter of introduction

    ・Please ask your university library to issue a letter of introduction.
    ・We issue a Library Card, which is valid only at the IIAS Library.
      *Borrowing service will be available from 2 days after application due to the time required to register the card.
    ・Library Cards must be renewed on a yearly basis.
    ・Only books and materials owned by the IIAS can be used.
  2. Any items returned with damage, we will ask you to pay for repairs or replacement for the materials.
  3. In cases when another researcher needs a book that is already checked out, a recall may be placed.

For more information about Library access and all other inquiries,
(E-mail : ji-amekn@mail.doshisha.ac.jp ), or visit Library circulation desk in Shiko-kan building.

Library Hours

Monday through Friday 9:00 - 11:30, 12:30 - 17:00
Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays, and other days designated by Doshisha academic Calendar (including Doshisha's anniversary on November 29) are Closed

Library Copy Service

The Library Copy Service offers a number of ways for users who wish to copy or duplicate their own or library materials.

  • 10 yen per copy
  • color printing is 30 yen per copy

''Microform reader-printers'
  • Doshisha University students, faculty and stafff:20 yen per copy.
  • Individuals who are not affiliated with Doshisha University:50 yen per copy.
Library Information